- How did you decide on your posting name and the name of your blog?
- What was your experience in creating the blog? Was it hard for you or easy? Why?
When I heard I would have to start a blog, agony is the only word that came to mind. I was sure this would not go as planned,so I began preparing myself to battle one or two of the same challenges Hercules himself had to endure. I was sure I would have my very own nine-headed hydra to take down, called the cyber world. But, I was pleasantly surprised when I began the process of registering and designing my blog. With each step written out, in detail, I was zipping through it like an old pro. Picking templates for the layouts and adding an avatar of myself, you would have thought I did these things everyday.
- How does your avatar reflect your personality? Did you create an avatar that looks like your real self or someone totally different? Why?
Now lets get one thing straight, I won't say there wasn't a few bumps in the process. Have you ever tried to make an animated character of yourself? Not always the easiest thing to do. Then there was the copy and pasting. Sounds easy enough right, yeah except if you are not able to find the "add a gadget" space that is hidden with in other sidewalks(tabs). But, as you see I was able to come up with a mini me. I have always been told that "I am the bubbly one", so of course I gave her a big cheesy grin. Plus my "Hallie Berry" cut was best suited with the bejeweled headband. Then came my books!! I love to read! I can not say enough how there is nothing better then to open a brand new paperback book and to get the smell of the fresh ink on paper. I made my avatar as close to me as possible. I like me, just the way I am. I believe that for you (the reader) to best understand me, you have to know. Even if it is just a animated character it is me. My style, my outlook on life, and most importantly my thoughts.
You seem like a very creative person, which is an excellent quality for a teacher. I enjoyed reading your post!